New Mural ~ Sneak Peek!

Coming Soon!

Huntingdon Landmarks, Inc. received funding from the Pennsylvania Tourism Office Grant Programs for Destination Marketing, which aims to boost local tourism efforts and promote the state’s rich history and cultural heritage. With this funding, the organization embarked on an exciting project to enhance the visual appeal of Historic Downtown Huntingdon.

As part of their revitalization efforts, Huntingdon Landmarks, Inc. opened up a call for artist proposals to create a welcoming mural with the primary objective being to highlight a few of the historical landmarks that have played a significant role in shaping the borough’s fascinating past.

By selecting renowned landmarks as the focal point of the mural, Huntingdon Landmarks, Inc. hopes to create a visually stunning representation that not only attracts visitors but also instills a sense of pride among the local community.

Keep your eyes on 400 Penn Street in the coming days to see the installation come to life.